America's Top-Rated Cities
"Libraries that have found prior editions useful will no doubt feel the same about the newest version."
Against the Grain

"...the strength of the set is that it pulls this information together into one easy-to-use, authoritative product."

"Top-Rated Cities provides more information (ten to 20 pages per entry). It's a valuable addition to the literature for its concise, varied information, in-depth coverage and clear organization. Recommended for all public, academic, and special libraries."

America's Top-Rated Cities
2018 Edition

Four Volume Set, 3,000 pages

Pub. Date: April 2018
ISBN: 978-1-68217-760-0
Price: $295.00

Volume 1: Southern Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-761-7
Price: $125.00

Volume 2: Western Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-762-4
Price: $125.00

Volume 3: Central Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-763-1
Price: $125.00

Volume 4: Eastern Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-764-8
Price: $125.00

EBook ISBN: 978-1-68217-765-5 EBook Vendors

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NEW! Buyers of the 2018 four-volume set or any single volume get FREE ACCESS TO TOP-RATED CITIES ONLINE
• Download City Reports
• Sort & Rank Cities by 50+ Data Points
• Access Customized Ranking Tables
• Provides Data for all 300 Cities with 100,000+ Population
• Access 200 More Cities than the Four-Volume Set
• Makes Nationwide City-by-City Comparisons Quick & Easy

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America’s Top-Rated Cities provides current, comprehensive statistical information and other essential data on the top 100 cities-with estimated populations of approxmiately 100,000 or more-voted best for business and living in the United States. This 2018 edition features hundreds of new rankings and has been extensively updated to make sure hundreds of charts, tables, and data sets contain the most current information available.  Plus, we’ve added four new cities: Baton Rouge, LA; Edison, NJ; Little Rock, AR; and Tuscon, AZ.

Each detailed City Report is broken down into three sections:

This new edition of America’s Top-Rated Cities includes cities that not only surveyed well, but ranked highest using our unique weighting system. We looked at violent crime, property crime, population growth, median household income, housing affordability, poverty, educational attainment, and unemployment. You’ll find that a number of American cities remain “top-rated” despite less-than-stellar numbers. New York, Los Angeles, and Miami remain world-class cities despite challenges faced by many large urban centers. Afinal consideration is location—we strive to include as many states in the country as possible.

Each city report incorporates information from hundreds of sources, such as magazines, websites, and federal, state, and local statistics to show concise social, business, economic, demographic, and environmental profile of each city.  This is information that would take countless hours to find, all brought together in one informative resource. 

Appendices include:

America’s Top-Rated Cities is designed for a wide range of readers, including private individuals seeking to relocate their residence or business, professionals considering expanding their business or changing careers, government agencies, general researchers, market researchers, real estate consultants, human resource personnel, urban planners, investors, and more. 

Buyers of the 2018 Four-Volume Set Get FREE ACCESS TO TOP-RATED CITIES ONLINE

Order Individual City Reports

Also Available:

Four Volume Set, 3,000 pages

Pub. Date: April 2018
ISBN: 978-1-68217-760-0
Price: $295.00

Volume 1: Southern Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-761-7
Price: $125.00

Volume 2: Western Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-762-4
Price: $125.00

Volume 3: Central Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-763-1
Price: $125.00

Volume 4: Eastern Region
ISBN: 978-1-68217-764-8
Price: $125.00

EBook ISBN: 978-1-68217-765-5 EBook Vendors

Note: If you find this work does not fit your budget, please print out this page and bring it to your local library. There is a reasonable chance they either have a copy, can direct you to a library that does, or will be willing to purchase it for their reference collection.